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Birth-3rd Grade


Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3

Kids Ministry is available at 9:00 and 10:30am.


Whether you have a brand-new baby or your child is working their way through elementary school, you can find peace in knowing that Mission City Church is a place where they will be seen, cherished and loved. We partner alongside you to help your child(ren) know and love Jesus, so that they might have a lifelong relationship with Him and be a light for Christ in the world.

Our Kids Ministry staff and volunteers have an infectious passion and energy for Jesus that makes learning fun and exciting for children of all ages. They help kids grow in their relationship with God and with one another. While you’re worshiping in the auditorium, your children will be in a safe and secure environment connecting with other children their age. 

Mission City Church, St. Augustine, FL 32092

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What to expect

+ Interactive lessons. Through creative storytelling, games, and activities, we bring the Bible to life in a way that is relatable and memorable for your child.

+ Loving community. Mission City Kids is more than a ministry; it’s a family! Children will have the opportunity to connect with peers and caring leaders who are invested in their growth. 

+ Safe environment. Your child’s safety is our top priority. All our leaders undergo thorough background checks, and we maintain a secure check-in/check-out system to ensure peace of mind for parents. Many of our leaders are also CPR and First Aid certified.

+ Parent resources. We believe in partnering with parents on this journey. We provide resources and tools to help you reinforce faith lessons at home.

Our top priorities

Mission City Church, St. Augustine FL
Mission City Church, St. Augustine, FL 32092

Safe & secure

Mission City Church, St. Augustine, FL 32092

Fun & engaging

Mission City Church, St. Augustine, FL 32092


Mission City Kids Director

A note from Erin...

There is nothing sweeter than watching kids grow in their relationship with Jesus. That's why I'm thrilled to lead our Kids Ministry program and have the opportunity to see children progress in their faith each and every week. At Mission City Church, we believe every child is a unique and cherished creation of God, and we hope their time in Kids Ministry will lay the foundation for a lifelong faith in Jesus.


If you have questions about our Kids Ministry program or want to serve as a Kids leader on Sunday mornings, please reach out! I'd love to connect with and support your family.

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